Бланк Заявления
Reservation of a place in the camp
Check out our 15 day camp sessions and reserve a place in the desired period. Only parents / guardians and NOT third parties (e.g. friends, relatives) can reserve a place through our website:
- by filling out the camper registration form you will find here. With the successful submission, a copy of the completed form will be sent to the given Email.
Children aged 6 to 15 have the right to participate in the camp.
To secure the reservation an advance payment of 150 euros is required. Upon reservation the parent / legal guardian will be asked to read carefully and sign our camp’s terms and conditions which can be also found below. Full payment must be made by 31st May.
Camper’s Personal Health Form: Upon confirmation of the reservation and before the child’s arrival at the camp, parents / guardians will be requested to email us a scanned copy of the child’s Health form, completed and signed by both the doctor & the parent/guardian. On arrival at camp, the child will have to hand in the original copy of the Health form.
ATTENTION! In case there is important information regarding the child’s health, a doctor’s medical assessment is required so that the camp’s doctor can evaluate and advise accordingly. Only then can the registration be confirmed or not. |
Kalivas Camp hereby notifies you of the following:
Camp’s safety protocols and rules are established according to instructions and directions of the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Therefore, this information is adjusted accordingly.
Upon confirmation of the reservation and before the child’s arrival at the camp, parents / guardians will be requested to send the necessary documents for camp.
Medical history of the child: The camp must be fully informed in good time about the child’s health, allergies, dietary habits or other special needs that can affect the child’s stay at camp, and certainly prior to arrival at camp. The parent / legal guardian must understand that if the camp doctor deems it necessary for the child to leave the camp temporarily or permanently, the parent / legal guardian must respect it and follow all the instructions.
Special family circumstances: In this case, the necessary information and documents regarding the child’s guardianship should be sent upon registration. The camp will bear no responsibility whatsoever if the parent / guardian fails to notify the camp accordingly.
In case the camper departs accompanied by a third party: The parents must provide an authorization / a declaration statement with authenticated signature to the third party, stating the person’s name and ID number, so that this document can be handed in to the camp.
During quiet hours (14:30 to 17:00), visits are strictly prohibited.
Forgotten items will be kept at the camp’s lost and found area for 7 days after the child’s departure from camp. During this time, the parent/guardian should notify the camp in writing with a list and description of the items so that we can try to find them. Any items not claimed within this timeframe will be donated to charities.
Campers who deliberately or willfully cause damage to the property of the camp or others, will be held responsible for those actions. Such behaviour will be looked into & any such damage will burden the parent / guardian of the camper.
Any failure by the camper to adhere to the rules of the camp, may result in his/her participation at the camp being terminated forthwith without any refund and in such event the camper may be sent home at his/her expense. The camp reserves the right to withdraw the camper from any activity at any time on the grounds of safety or unsuitability.
Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs: Possession and consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs at camp are NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Please note that if the camper does not adhere to this condition, he/she will be removed from camp.